"All is well that ends well" is my favorite quote from Ma on Little House on the Prairie. I find myself saying it often because it is the truth. Masie had her MRI today. The apt. was scheduled for 10:00 but as we were leaving they rescheduled it for 1:00. Are you grumpy when you are hungry? Masie had to fast prior to the MRI and at 8:30 she was melting from hunger! So to move that apt. sent me into a panic attack. Mimi (Ryan's mom) came to the rescue. Masie went next door to Mimi's to get some beef broth. When she reached her door tears were streaming down Masie's face. When Mimi told Masie that popsicles were part of a liquid diet tears turned into a huge smile. Mimi sent Masie home with popsicles, beef broth and a new box of play dough. My home was happy again and before long it was time to go. My girls have fantastic grandparents who do heroic acts for their grandchildren on a regular basis. Thank you!
We were greeted by a wonderful nurse named Jenny. Masie bought her sales pitch instantly of being a big girl and trying to have the MRI with out sedation. As we were about to go in, Ryan surprised us (he was at work) and was able to be in the room with Masie as the MRI was taking place. Since I am very pregnant they would not have let me go in there with Masie. If the apt. had been earlier there was no guarantee that Ryan would have been able to come. "All's well that ends well."
We are so proud of Masie for being so brave. She followed directions perfectly, had a great attitude and had NO FEAR of the machine or being enclosed. When they injected dye in through her vein they had to try 3 times. It wasn't until the 3rd time that she shed a tear. She quickly calmed down and finished the rest of the procedure. Her Dad being the brilliant man that he is brought a large bag of sour twizzlers that was the carrot at the end of the race. She earned every bit of that.
While I was waiting outside the room, God continued to minister this verse to me, "Fear not for I am with you always". Even though Ryan was in the room with Masie and I was just footsteps from the door - I hated that Masie was enclosed in that big machine by herself. I would have given anything to lay beside her and hold her hand. As I prayed for Masie the promise of God settled into my heart - God is with my girl always. He can go places I can not and with that comes MUCH peace.
We got word tonight that her MRI is clear and there was nothing abnormal that showed up. The DR. felt that no other testing is necessary and that we are just to observe her for awhile. I have TOTAL peace about that conclusion. In my gut I feel like it is just a weird habit or tic that she will grow out of. Thank you so much for every prayer that was prayed for our family. I do not regret for a second including you in the events of this last week. God delights in the prayers of His people. Every kind word, thought and prayer has been deeeeeply appreciated. AHHHHHH! I feel better knowing that "All's well that ends well".
On a final note, I want to share something pretty amazing. As we were leaving the nurse came to us with a gift. It was an xray of Masie's brain. As I was looking at it with my mother-in-law, she said, "It looks like Jesus on the cross" in the center of her brain. I was instantly reminded of God's promise to me, "Fear not for I am with You always". The picture I posted was my best attempt of giving you real proof of this promise and no I'm not going to sell it on ebay...even though some extra Christmas money would be nice:) Look at the image again...Jesus in the middle of the hard wiring of a 5 year old. There is a God.
God can go places you can not
He is with you in case you forgot
Do not be afraid for He loves you so
He is with you where ever you go.
Embrace His hand - He's got yours tight
You can try as you might to pull yours away
But in His hands you will firmly stay.
Take a deep breath for He is walking with you
He is your help -He will see you through.
Masie Kate is My beloved but she is not my only.
My promise to her is my promise to you,
"Fear not - I AM is with you always".